Bayley-Ellard High School - Class of 1958
40 Something Reunion - November 1999

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See the picture below for a who's who listing.

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1   Doris Dickinson Johnson 2    Charlie Gero 3    Carol Dorsi Dingwell 4    David P. Wainwright
5   Sally Gero Wainwright 6    Suzanne Brenn Blair 7    Elvira Gisoldi 8    James J. Demark
9   Ann Rizzardi Gero 10  Judith Rogers Prahst 11  Phyllis Pannullo Fisher 12  John J. Dolan
13  Carol Stevens Treibel 14  John J. Gilgallon, Jr. 15  William L. Brady 16  Paula Cosentino Philhower
17  Paul Keyes 18  Salvatore R. Fundaco, Jr. 19  Johanna Moore Knoll 20  Mary K. Keyes
21  Lee Weber 22  Mary Mitchell Fish 23  Alan B. Cupples 24  Patrica Martin
25  Patricia Koplitz English 26  Mary Ann Lally Maloney 27  Susan D'Anna Lanterman 28  Sr. Ann Marie Lafferty
29  Carol Bree Lindstedt 30  Frances Langley Siecko 31  Marilyn Lorenzo Dolan 32  Carol Ann Klauser
33  John P. Roberts 34  Rafaella Madonna Rasi 35  Margaret Lindner 36  Andre J. Passomato
37  Jeanette Hopper Kapinos 38  Brian F. Ford 39  Elizabeth Evangelisti Kenny 40  Jack Murray
41  Patricia Lawless Hildreth 42  Robert J.   Keyes 43   Sharon Treacy 44  William French
45  Patricia Lovas Toto 46 Vincent J. Infinito 47  Barbara Conrad Reed 48  Salvatore J. Toto
49  Paul Tittel 50 Ruth Ann Smozanek Hladik 51  Paul J. Kitchell 52  Judy Behnke Podinker
53  Maureen Semple Sokolowski 54 Lynn E. Feuling 55  Phyllis Aquino   ================